Training Firm

Our company FE LUXURYMOB FE OFFICE SRL has as main activity the sale of furniture and internal design.
The company was founded in 2008 and was relaunched in 2011. Currently the company is taken by 14
students of the College of Economic “Partenie Cosma” Oradea.

      WHO WE ARE?
Coordinating Teacher : Timar Viorel
General Manager : Iuhas Maria
Secretary : Vancea Elena
Marketing Department : Munteanu Patricia
Boldan Ionut
Ienciu Vlad
Commercial Department: Stoica Melania
Barat Renata
Lucan Renata
Fodor Patric
Popa Andrei
Financial-Accounting Department:  Mocanu Marius
Human Resources Department : Lazar Macrina
Gaja Alexandra
Restea Bianca

What is a training firm?

The training firm is an interactive learning method for antrepreneurial spiritual development
modern concept of interdisciplinary integration and application of knowledge
, an approach to teaching and learning process that provides conditions for the probation and
deepening practical skills acquired by pupils / students in professional training.